Saskatchewan, Canada
Actual Picture of the PCH Project

Focused Uranium Exploration in the Athabasca Basin
The Otherside project spans 21,868.22 hectares across 6 claims and holds promising exploration rights within the renowned Davy Lake property. This portion of the property, previously held by Strathmore Minerals Corp. and Fission Uranium Corp. between 2005-2010, offers potential for uranium and rare earths (REE).
Exploration Progress:
To date, Appia has made progress in assessing the Otherside property. Two drill holes and a series of seven magnetic and electromagnetic geophysical surveys have been conducted. These efforts have enabled the identification and evaluation of key geological features and indicators, setting the stage for further exploration and potential resource extraction.
Empowering Local Communities
Eastside’s operations hold the potential for significant positive impact on local First Nations Athabasca Basin Residents. Work, resource discovery, and employment expansion serve as cornerstones of Appia’s commitment to fostering economic growth and sustainability within these communities.
Strengthening Saskatchewan's Uranium Supply
The project aspires to bolster Saskatchewan’s uranium supply, further solidifying the province’s pivotal role in the global nuclear energy sector.
Contributing to a Cleaner Energy Future
Participation in the global shift towards cleaner energy usage remains a primary goal. Eastside’s focus on delineating uranium resources aligns with the growing demand for nuclear reactors, crucial for applications in submarines, medical, industrial, and defense systems.
Aiming to be a Global Leader in Cleaner Energy
As the world transitions to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, Appia aims to play a central role in meeting global demand by harnessing uranium resources found at its three uranium properties, including Eastside.
Economic Growth and Community Empowerment
Economic growth within Saskatchewan, particularly for the First Nations Athabasca Basin Residents, is a key focus. The discovery of uranium resources at Appia’s uranium properties stimulates economic development, job creation, and empowerment of local communities.
Meeting Global Uranium Demand
Eastside recognizes the rising global demand for uranium, particularly as countries seek reliable, low-carbon energy sources. Nuclear power’s role in reducing carbon emissions and ensuring a stable energy supply has garnered renewed interest, and Eastside is poised to responsibly meet this demand while safeguarding the environment.
Project Location
Northern Saskatchewan
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The Otherside property presents an opportunity for mineral exploration within the north-central Athabasca Basin. Situated approximately 28 kilometres south of Fond-du-Lac village, this strategically positioned property offers prime access to this renowned mining region.
Central Coordinates:
Using the UTM NAD83, Zone 13N coordinate system, the central coordinates of the Otherside property are approximately 356,250 metres east and 6,540,050 metres north. (Figure 1)
Exploration and Development:
With its favourable location and precise coordinates, the Otherside property provides a strong foundation for Appia’s exploration and development initiatives.
Geology & Mineralization
The Otherside property represents an opportunity for Appia to explore and develop high-grade uranium deposits. Our decision to stake the property was carefully informed by a range of geological and geophysical insights.
One key insight is that the Otherside property is situated within a major regional structure with shared geophysical features of known high-grade uranium deposits. The electromagnetic conductive signatures in the Otherside property extend away from the Black Lake Shear zone to the Grease River Shear Zone (Figure 2). This feature is known to host high-grade uranium deposits, further affirming Appia’s initial staking decision.
In addition, the McKenzie Diabase Dykes cross-cutting the regional fabric (Figure 3) are identical to those found at Denison Mine’s Wheeler River property, located 200 km to the southeast. These geological features strengthen Appia’s potential for success in unlocking the value and potential of the Otherside property.
Stay tuned for the latest updates on our exploration activities on the Otherside property and our ongoing work to contribute to the growth and advancement of the critical minerals industry.